Welcome! Thank you for taking the time to learn more about our Pediatric Residency Program. Please take a look around and reach out with any questions!

  • Community-based, academic medical center

  • Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains

  • A diverse population, including many rural communities across southern West Virginia

  • Patients with significant health and socio-economic challenges

Our residency program's mission is to equip our residents with the skills necessary to provide excellent care in an increasingly complex medical system. We accomplish this through the following:

  • Excellent primary care and continuity experience

  • Without fellows, residents perform all procedures, work directly with subspecialty faculty, and match exceptionally well for fellowship and jobs in general pediatrics

  • Focus on each resident as an individual

  • Training in advocacy, clinical research, quality improvement and medical education

  • Dedicated curriculum in Simulation, Quality Improvement, Research and Leadership

Over the decades, we are proud to have contributed greatly to the pediatric workforce locally and across the country.

As one of the largest health systems in West Virginia, Charleston Area Medical Center serves the entire southern area of the state with the following mission: "Striving to provide the best health care to every patient, every day."  


CAMC Women and Children’s Hospital

As the first free-standing children's hospital in the state, our residents practice under the supervision of a dedicated group of pediatric sub-specialists and generalists who provide comprehensive care to our patients.